Sunday, February 13, 2011

Viola! My first pictures and more to come!

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Unfinished drawing but I felt I need to post this because I don't know if I'm ever going to finish it...

My anatomy of arm is little bit off but my teacher love this drawing for some reason.

Can you guess whom this sucker is? My class went to the Pablo Picasso (Google his images) exhibit and our teacher want us to create a self portrait, using inspiration from Picasso's work. I used his  concept of Cubism to help me create mine.

My first time with pastel chalks result. I really like working with pastel, feel like painting instead of drawing.

My teacher's instruction said "Either to create a collage in which you put one or more anatomical images in new surprising contexts. Or design a park or playground which enlarges and uses parts of anatomy as natural part of this new setting."  So I go with the heart since its the hardest working organ in our body and the mechanics to represent the heart being "machine-like," always working nonstop. I added clock later to remind us that we're all mortal and eventually the heart will stop "ticking."

The teacher had us do the outline of the skeleton within the body. Based on the model's pose.

Just one of drawing I did in my own time.